Strangely Shaped Girl

Transforming body, mind & soul, one tiny metamorphosis at a time.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Why I Hate to Diet

I hate to diet. I absolutely abhor it.

It seems like I am always setting myself up for failure. I set goals--sometimes tiny, sometimes enormous and unrealistic--and when I fall short, I feel guilty.

Guilt and dieting, for me, go hand in hand.

I think I have built up a resentment to the entire concept of dieting because of the guilt I feel when I break the regimen.

It's a bit silly really, because I have had self-imposed dietary restrictions for as long as I can remember. I limit my dairy intake (because of lactose intolerance, and also, dairy isn't that good for you!), I don't eat red meat or pork, and I limit my carbohydrate intake (despite constantly craving carbs). This is just something I do, but if I called it a diet, I'd eat half a cow and a tub of ice cream tomorrow, just in spite of myself.

I wonder why?


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